The Inner Girl

Eve Ensler describes social justice as men and women finding their “girl cell.” Everyone has this cell, that is suppressed for various reasons around the world. She describes it as passion, and vulnerability, which she believes are out greatest strengths. We have, however, been taught the exact opposite; we are taught that vulnerability is weakness. It is for that reason that everyone is trained not to be a girl. She relates this to the mass amounts of rape and genocide happening in other countries. There are just a few women who embrace their “girl cell” and make a difference about what is going on in their situation. She also witnessed that when a man’s “girl cell” is completely suppressed leads to violence. They pretend to be fine when they are broken inside. She finally relates her entire speech together by saying imagine what we do to other girls in the world, just based on what we do to our inner girl. Girls are raped, killed, enslaved, etc. They are objectified in many societies.

This form of social justice is different than any other we have discussed this term; mainly because she relates it back to what we do to ourselves. She is discussing feminism; however she is not just discussing cases of feminism, she is showing how we suppress our “inner girl.” The amount of unfairness we give out “inner girl” is just a small comparison to the amount of unfairness people give to other girls. The cruel treatment that girls are put through in many countries can be stopped is more people embraced their inner girl. Doing so would raise more awareness about the injustice that is occurring, and possible decrease the amount of suppression that is occurring.

2 thoughts on “The Inner Girl

  1. I like the fact that you said that our when we surpress our inner girl it is just a small comparison to the amount of unfairness people give to other girls. It just goes to show that how we treat ourselves and how we have been treated in life reflect on how we treat other people. Eve seems to be stating that we need to embrace our inner girl in order to change the world.

  2. I totally agree with your post and I love this summary of Ensler’s speech. Girl’s just so happen to be the strongest creatures of us all and a lot of times we suppress our inner girl, essentially becoming more weak than a girl, using anger and hatred instead of compassion and understanding to express ourselves.

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